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Putuke Kekana Psychology



individual therapy
Individual Psychotherapy

I provide individual psychotherapy sessions in person or online. These sessions are aimed at providing you a safe and empathic space for you to discover yourself, grow and heal from life stressors. I am qualified to treat various mental disorders and life challenges. Some of those in my professional interest include:

  • Depression and Anxiety,
  • Trauma and Abuse,
  • Relationship difficulties such infidelity, and intimate partner violence,
  • Alcohol and Drug addiction (substance use disorders),
  • Loss of a loved one including through death, divorce, or separation,
  • Gender dysphoria and challenges related to sexual orientation,
  • Challenges related to family, school, or work.

Couples Counselling

I provide psychotherapy for couples who are interested in working collaboratively in dealing with challenges such as:

  • Loss of a child,
  • Differing parenting styles,
  • A spouse struggling with a mental illness or an addiction to alcohol, drugs, or sex,
  • Infidelity, rebuilding trust, and deciding on separation or divorce,
  • Pre-marital counselling.
Family Supportive Therapy

I have a special interest in providing supportive therapy and psychoeducation for individuals or families who are struggling to adapt or care for loved ones who are overcoming challenges from:

  • Mental illness, alcohol, and drug addiction
  • Gender dysphoria
  • Challenges related to sexuality and sexual orientation.
Workshops and Presentations

I provide workshops to organisations, schools, and corporate companies on request. Topics that I cover are: mental health, substance use disorder awareness, gender, and sexuality related challenges. I am available for media interviews and contributions.